Money Way Documentation Articles Value Bets
Dropping Odds Feedback

This section will contain articles dedicated to the search for potentially fixed games, value bets, based on droppging odds and bets on the Betfair exchange.

I have more than four years of experience in finding such games, and the ROI is approximately 25-27% (over 1000 bets) for local bookmakers.

In short, a sharp, significant drop odds, especially in parallel with a many bets, is in many cases provoked by information (for example, fix matches and teams have agreement) or inside information (for example, the team is playing with a second squad or the players have serious injuries).

If possible, I will publish/fill with more material, write new articles, do reviews, add video materials.

Search for fixed games / value bets
Patterns associated with the drop odds
Game review FSV Frankfurt - SV Steinbach

YouTube videos about dropping odds and money way (only russian language)
Big bets on the Betfair exchange
Betting exchange. Strategy - disproportion of money
Money way and odds dropping on the Betfair exchange